School Performance

The information below details how our children have performed compared to other children nationally in statutory testing. This is one measure of how our children are performing and the school maintains a wide range of assessment procedures to ensure we can keep you best informed about the progress of your child. Please ask class teachers if you want any further details or information about your child's learning.


In 2024 87% of our children reached the expected level for the Early Years Curriculum. This is known as a 'Good Level of Development'. Nationally 67% of children reached this Good Level of Development.

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

At the end of Year 1 all children are screened for their phonic knowledge to gauge how they use these skills for reading. In 2024 77% of our Year 1 children passed this check compared to 80% of children nationally.

Key Stage 2

At the end of Year 6 children take Key Stage 2 SATS in Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. They are also assessed by teachers in Writing. The 2024 results in these tests are shown in the graph below.

For more information about the performance of our school and to compare our school to other schools nationally please visit the DFE Compare School Performance by clicking the link here.