At Cossington, Reading is at the heart of everything we do. Reading is seen as the most important skill set for children to acquire whilst they are at our school. The policy below outlines our whole school approach to Reading and includes our intent for an inspiring and engaging Reading curriculum, the way we implement this across the school and the impact we want our Reading Curriculum to have on the lives of the children who attend our school. The second document shows how children will acquire reading knowledge as they progress through the school.

At Cossington we teach Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a complete systematic synthetic phonics programme (SSP) developed for schools by schools. Based on the original Letters and Sounds, but extensively revised to provide a complete teaching programme meeting all the expectations of the National Curriculum and preparing your children to go beyond the expectations of the Phonics Screening Check. This is a government recommended approach to teaching of synthetic phonics that is aimed at ensuring children can decode and spell a wide range of words by the end of Year 1. Phonics is delivered from entry to the school at Foundation Stage through to Year 2. Any children not completing the scheme will receive further phonics support in Year 3 onwards through other interventions. Children are taught phonics daily for twenty-thirty minutes in groups of no more than fifteen children. Children learn phonics through a range of games, active learning and interactive teaching activities delivered by our skilled staff. Teachers assess children every six weeks in phonics and they are then given additional support as needed. At the end of Year 1 children are tested for their phonic ability according to government guidelines through the statutory phonics screening test. Parents will be informed of the result of this test in a letter at the end of year will the child’s school report. For more information about 'Little Wandle', please head to the Reading Zone page of this site.